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An homage to the great writer and dramatist Ariano Suassuna.  
We've imbued it with a Northeastern and medieval carachter typical of the Armorial Movement created by Ariano.

Monica Salmaso sang it with perfection. As she always does.


Rafael Torres

Mônica Salmaso voice

Rafael Torres  arrangementviola and flute

Ednar Pinho  bass

Igor Ribeiro  percussion

Luiz Orsano  percussion

Suassuna - Argonautas e Mônica Salmaso

Suassuna, sua sina é nos sertões se entranhar. Nos sertões enveredar, na seca

mata embiocar.

Sua sanha era o mundo assimilando, abocanhar. Era sanha de profeta, era a sina de pregar.

A sina dura de um Brasil que teima e não se ensina.

Que se macula, se assassina e ainda assim quer se curar.

Teu ”oxente”, o “ok” de tanta gente vem calar. De repente armorial, armo um repente a te intimar.

Suassuna, se não és todo um caboclo sarará. Na couraça o há de ser, ariano aqui, mulato lá.

Suassuna, sua o sumo dos sertões com que sonhar. Assim, na vida, assina a morte. Assim, na vida, assina a morte, assim, na vida...


Arrebata o país que ajuda o gringo a o assaltar. O país que assalta o gringo e

reassiste ao desolar.

Gringo, ao assaltar, ressalta o que desola o poeta. Que se isola, e o que o consola é nos sertões se enfurnar.


Seus Brasis reais sonhar.

Suassuna, o banzo do Brasil,

Teu banzo será.

Suassuna, your fate is to bury yourself in the outback. To direct your steps to the outback , in the dry woods to be put in.

Your rage was to nip the world by assimilating it. It was the rage of a prophet, it was a fate of preaching.

The harsh fate of a Brazil that stubbornly never learns.

That hurts itself, kills itself and still wants to heal.

Your ”oxente”, comes to silence the “ok” of so many people. Suddenly armorial, I arm a repente to summon you.

Suassuna, if you are not a whole caboclo sarará. At the skin you might be, arian here, mulato there.

Suassuna, sweat the juice of the outbacks of wich you deam. Therefore, in life, you sign death. Therefore, in life, you sign death, therefore, in life...


Ravish the country that helps the gringo to assault itself. The country that assaults the gringo and rewatches the desolation.

Gringo, by assaulting, highlight what desolates the poet. That isolates himself, and what consoles him is to bury himself in the outbacks.

To dream of his real Brazils.

Suassuna, Brazil's banzo (something you miss dearly),

Your banzo will be.

Recorded in 2018 at Studio Trilha Sonora, Fortaleza, Ceará

Production: Rafael Torres

Artistic Direction: Rafael Torres

Recording: Hugo Lage e Luiz Orsano

Mixing: Luiz Orsano

Mastering: Homero Lotito (Reference Mastering Studio, SP)

Cover xylograph: Eduardo Macedo

Manual da Leveza

Single featuring the amazing voice of Renato Braz. A tender and simple song.

Waltz from Vienna, from Fortaleza. It's about how far we can live.

Adding a little bit of relief to the world.

Manual da Leveza

Rafael Torres

Renato Braz voice

Rafael Torres  arrangement, guitar and flutes

Ednar Pinho  bass

Robson Gomes  accordion

Manual da Leveza - Argonautas e Renato Braz

Nunca tinha tido essa vontade de

Dançar, de ouvir boleros

Passear pelas calçadas de manhã

Mas quando te conheci por dentro

Concebi poemas, valsas de Viena

Pop-rocks de Liverpool

Tudo que de azul

Tudo menos blue

Seria capaz de redigir o habeas corpus do capeta

Fazer letras pra canções de Tom Jobim

Que a prosódia ficasse de lado

Por alguns versinhos, esse vinho

Esse lençol, essa pele

Esse Vivaldi

Esse Fellini

Pronto, deita tua cabeça

Preta, minha preta

Prova pra quê brilham os astros

Num instante o coração tem

A velocidade das asas de

Um beija flor


De manhã olho pro lado

E não vejo ninguém 

Cadê você?

Cadê Rodin?

Cadê Drummond?

Cadê Chopin?


Coração saindo pela boca

Quase solto um grito

Então, lá vem você

Trazendo o café da manhã

Voltam os Chopins

Vai-te em paz, divã


O brioche e o sorriso escancarado

Um fado em Lisboa

O aboio de um vaqueiro do sertão

I had never had this willing to

Dance, to listen to boleros

To walk on the sidewalk in the morning

But when I met you from inside

I conceived poems, waltzes from Vienna

Pop-rocks from Liverpool

Everything blui

Everything less blue

I would be capable of writing the habeas corpus of the devil

Make lyrics to the songs of Tom Jobim

If prosody could step aside

For a few verses, this wine

This sheet, this skin

This Vivaldi

This Fellini

It's ok, lay down your head

Preta, my preta

Taste why stars shine

In an instant heart has

The speed of the wings

Of a hummingbird


In the morning I look to the sides

And can't see anyone 

Where are you?

Where's Rodin?

Where's Drummond?

Where's Chopin?


My heart is in my mouth

I almost scream

But then, there you come

Bringing breackfest

Come back the Chopins

Go in peace, divan


The brioche and the open smile

 A fado in Lisbon

The chant of a cowboy in the backcountry

Recorded in 2018 at Studio Trilha Sonora, Fortaleza, Ceará

Voice recorded at Studio Som do Mar

Production: Rafael Torres

Artistic Direction: Rafael Torres

Recording: Luiz Orsano

Mixing e masterizing: Luiz Orsano

© 2019 Argonautas.

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